4 foods that will turbocharge your health and life

avocado berries

I’m the type of person that is always on the go, so I’m always trying to squeeze in meals that are as healthy and nutrient dense as possible. This is not always easy, particularly with how easy and available fast food is.

So right now, if I’m going to get healthy meals, they’re often going to come in the form of a smoothie.

I generally break my fast with some sort of smoothie that I make in my Nutri Ninja. Sometimes they’re sweet, sometimes savory, but I always toss in some staple items that will give me the nutrients that I need to get through my day, with lots of energy and mental function.

If you’re thinking about jumping aboard the smoothie train, consider these four ingredients and their health benefits, so you can put them in your smoothies as frequently as possible.

1. Avocados

Avocados are my holy grail when it comes to smoothies. Reason being is that they’re packed with lots of good fats and loaded with healthy calories, which allow me to get full and keep some muscle tone. If you’re vegan and want to maintain any sort of athletic or muscular physique, avocados are a great source of calories that can keep you strong without turning to meat or unhealthy foods.

You can also get Omega 3 fatty acids in avocados without having to eat salmon or take fish-based supplements. When you add avocados to your smoothie, you will be better able to fight anxiety and depression, maintain a healthy weight and increase the production of important hormones — such as testosterone.

As a bonus, avocados are excellent for your hair, nails, and skin. Your dermatologist will approve.

2. Berries

Seriously, dump handfuls of berries in your smoothies.

These babies are antioxidant rich, which means that you can fight back against cancer agents. These berries are also excellent for your brain, so you’ll have much less of the brain fog that many people deal with. They’re packed with healthy sugars, giving you a great kick of energy without having to worry about a crash.

Perhaps the biggest reason to add berries to your smoothies is that they have lots of fiber. This fiber content will help you to stave off cravings so that you don’t overeat. This is critical for anyone trying to lose some pounds. Whether you add strawberries, blueberries or blackberries, don’t be afraid to go crazy.

3. Kale

If you really want to take your smoothies up a notch, you’ve got to add some green foods.
Kale is an excellent green food to add to your smoothies because it helps you to detoxify and cleanse your organs. Buying bunches of organic kale also helps to make your brain healthier and helps to moisten your skin.

Eating kale helps you to stay hydrated and makes sure that you are controlling your metabolism.

4. Cucumber

Cucumbers are a hydrating vegetable that will also revitalize your cells. The skin of the cucumber has plenty of nutrients and vitamins that should be part of your everyday intake.
You should use frozen cucumber as a baseline for your smoothies, as they balance out any drink, and add a freshness that isn’t too sweet and isn’t too bitter.

When you’re looking to make some smoothies, throw these four foods into the rotation. They will supercharge your life so that it’s never the same.
About the author

Lerone Graham is a writer, comedian and entrepreneur living in Los Angeles with his lovely wife. After covering news and writing stories for a large daily newspaper for 4 years, he left to bet on himself and chase his dreams. When he’s not performing at places like The World Famous Comedy Store, or chiming in as a regular contributor on Dash Radio’s “Mayhem and Token Show”, Lerone is most likely reading a good book, working on his health and fitness, or tackling his next big writing project or business endeavor.

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