3 myths about DevOps


DevOps is a term that emerges from the strike of two critical related trends. The first is “agile infrastructure” or “agile operations”. It originated from applying Agile and Lean approaches to work processes. The second is a much-elaborated understanding of the importance of collaboration between operational and development staff across all stages of the development lifecycle while developing and managing a service, and how essential operations have become important in our significantly service-oriented world.

DevOps is a new concept but it is evolving and have a great career opportunities. The DevOps training can help you to learn more and become an expert by certifying your skills in the principles of continuous deployment, inter-team collaboration, service agility, and automation of configuration management.

Let’s delve into common myths of DevOps.

There are regulatory and compliance requirements that prevent the adoption of DevOps principles

  • Being a cultural revolution, DevOps aligns the people, technology, and process, involved in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) with business goals. It is not limited to development and operations, but it encompasses all business entities that are deemed important to deliver business value, which involves the audit and compliance teams. Their inclusion will develop a shared understanding, foster interdepartmental empathy, boost up productivity, and reduce security incidents because security and compliance will become a norm that is completely integrated into the SDLC. DevOps is really gaining traction in the banking sector as it streamlines their regular workflow and saves potential time.
  • DevOps enhances cross-functional system-level understanding thus minimizing unneeded blanket audits as the audit and compliance teams are enrolled in the SDLC from the beginning.
  • DevOps automates the deployment and configuration pipeline eliminating human intervention and manual changes because core DevOps tenants facilitate system thinking. Most automated, repeatable processes are simple to audit, easy to understand and protect, which lead to the shift from clearing the test, to safeguarding the business.

Improvement through DevOps principles requires spare time

  • The result of a successful DevOps transformation is that you will be able to spend more time on value-adding activity rather than an activity that does not add value, for instance, firefighting, rework, delays, etc. As your organization don’t need to put effort on value limiting activities, you will be able to free up capacity in the organization.

    You can even return this capacity to the business for discoveries and can even be reinvested into improvement activities.This capacity can be “returned” to the business for innovation activity or can be reinvested into further improvement activities–generally some amount of both. DevOps transformation efforts are self-funding because of this capacity-freeing effect and just require a minimal initial investment.

  • A sign that confirms that your team does not have a clear understanding whether the time and money is being invested in the right place or not is when the leadership takes DevOps on priority but simultaneously says that there is no time or budget for improvement efforts.

    These organizations do not have a clear picture of their workflow and do not know what is using their resources today. The solution to this is the mapping of workflow to clarify whether the time and effort are being put in the right direction, and what is obstructing in the way. Value Stream Mapping is the popular technique for this. The organizations which perform this VSM exercise get the answer to question how to deliver the value the business needs to grow.

  • The necessity to develop and maintain additional capacity in an organization is much powerful when you consider the Theory of Constraints, Lean product development, and the Principles of Flow as described in Physics.

    Simply, a system without slack which happens when management focuses only on maintaining the complete resource utilization, will not perform up to the mark, have less output, and higher breakdown compared to those systems that keep up the slack. It is all clear from physical science and management science: trying to get more through an organization already at capacity will fall short. You can deploy DevOps techniques as a way to develop the ability and the capability that as per your organization needs.

DevOps is for big companies and not for traditional businesses

  • Several traditional enterprises have already championed DevOps practices and are enjoying various benefits like delivering software early to market including cycle time and lead time, less MTTR, and higher employee engagement. The adoption of DevOps will soon become a norm, and those behind the curve will find challenging to align with changes in customer expectations.
  • DevOps is all about building, operating, and maintaining a quality software. Most companies are becoming software companies as products, services, experiences, and engagements have digitized. The goals of delivering software faster, with minimal errors with operational burdens go to everyone. On time delivery and the higher quality are common business needs, though the methods vary from business to business, the core lessons are relevant everywhere.
  • DevOps can begin small, delivering value in one area without any need for enterprise-wide adoption. DevOps is not an all-or-nothing proposition. Any development, products or operations team can practice DevOps to realize quality benefits. A successful implementation in one area will unlock the door to master the change in another area.


DevOps focus on innovation, with opus focus on control and stability. Though the two focused issues are different, one does not perform without other. A reliable output is feasible when there is the proper integration of the teams, and DevOps strategy plays an important role there.

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